D&G Services s.r.o..
Revoluční 1082/8,
110 00 Praha 1
IČO: 41325460
DIČ: CZ41325460
D&G Services s.r.o..
Kubelíkova 250
460 07 Liberec 9
Our offices are located at the corner of Kubelíkova and Volgogradská streets   map

D&G Services s.r.o..
Kubelíkova 250
460 07 Liberec 9

IČO: 41325460
DIČ: CZ41325460

tel./fax: +420 485 710 315

Ota Dědek – Managing Director
tel.: +420 603204390
e-mail: ota.dedek@dgservices.cz

Otakar Gráf – Chief Executive Officer
tel.: +420 608322776
e-mail: otakar.graf@dgservices.cz
